British Executions

William Rosser

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: stealing

Date Of Execution: 1 Apr 1771

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Carmarthenshire

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Lent 1771

William Rosser (otherwise William Thomas) (of the parish of Llansamlet, Glamorgan) on 1 February 1771 in the parish of Llan-Gain stole in the Hayloft over the cowhouse of Jonathan Harry a snuff coloured cloth coat (value 5/-); a blue coloured cloth waistcoat (value 2/-); a pair of blue coloured cloth breeches (value 2/-); 2 silk handkerchiefs (value 5/-) and a pair of leather gloves (value 1/-) belonging to Samuel Harry (WALES 4/740/1).  Guilty verdict.