Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 9 Apr 1777
Execution Place: Chelmsford
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Friday, 4 April 1777
Richard Padgett and Stephen Player found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Allen Harrison in the parish of Chigwell on 22nd November 1776: stealing therefrom a watch with inside case of silver and outside case covered in shagreen (valued at £5), 14 yards of brimstone coloured silk (value at £4), a black silk gown with black lining (value at £4), a silk gown (valued at £5), a white stuff petticoat (valued at 10/-), 2 linen shirts (valued at 10/-), a pair of buckskin breeches (value at 15/-) and 40 gold guineas.