British Executions

Corbett Montague Roberts

Age: 46

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 2 Aug 1955

Crime Location: 113 Frederick Road, Aston, Birmingham

Execution Place: Birmingham

Method: hanging

Executioner: Stephen Wade


Corbett Montague Roberts murdered his wife Doris Acquilla Roberts 41 he he battered to death at 113 Frederick Road, Aston, Birmingham on 31 May 1955.

He beat her to death with two hammers.

He said that there had been some money stolen in the family group and said that he expected his wife to support him in the matter but that she had blamed him.

Later, on the morning of the murder there had been some money on the table that he had wanted to take for his weekly travel and living expenses but when he had gone to take it Doris Roberts had snatched it up and said 'You will have to kill me for that money'.

They then had an argument and Corbett Roberts got a hammer and started to beat her with it and when the shaft broke he got another hammer and continued beating her.

After he walked to the police station and said 'I have done my wife in'.

see National Archives - ASSI 88/116, PCOM 9/2202, ASSI 13/334, DPP 2/2443