British Executions

William Burton

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: horse stealing

Date Of Execution: 1 Sep 1736

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Staffordshire

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


William Burton guilty of stealing a black mare (valued at £5), the property of James Goodwin, in the parish of Kingsley on 8th May 1735; a black mare (valued at £5), the property of John Boulton, in the parish of Dilhorne on 13th July 1735; a black mare (valued at £4), the property of John Radford, in the parish of Wheduston (sic) on 12th October 1735; and a black mare (valued at £10), the property of John Clayton, in the parish of Jestone (?) on 21st January 1736.