British Executions

John Saunders

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: burglary

Date Of Execution: 12 Apr 1752

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Surrey

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


John Saunders found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Daniel Grimball in the parish of St Mary Rothrhythe on 21st October 1750: stealing therefrom a pair of silver candle sticks (valued at £8), a pair of silver snuffers and stand (value at £3), a pair of silver salts (valued at 30/-), 2 silver cups (valued at 30/-), 2 silver sauce boats (value at £9) and 40 yards of linen cloth (valued at £8).  He was also found guilty on three other indictments.  For assaulting Mary, the wife of Daniel Grimball, putting her in fear and stealing from her a gold half guinea at the same time as the above burglary.  For a burglary in the dwelling house of Matthew Thompson in the parish of St Mary Magdelene, Bermondsey on 24th December 1751: stealing therefrom  a silver tankard (valued at £7), a silver mug (valued at £3), a silver tea pot (valued at £2), 3 silver salts (valued at 20/-), a silver pepper castor (valued at 12/-), silver tea tongs (value at 5/-), a silver mik pot (valued at 16/-), 5 silver teaspoons (valued at 5/-), 2 yards of Dimity (valued at 10/-), a cotton gown (valued at 15/-) and 2 gold guineas.  Finally for assaulting Sarah, the wife of Matthew Thompson, putting her in fear and stealing from her a gold chain with a gold locket (valued at £6) at the same time as te burglary.