Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 14 Apr 1792
Execution Place: York
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
John Lucas and Thomas Stearman were, according to the Assizes Calendar indicted for a burglary in the dwelling house of John Mundell in the parish of New Malton on 17th November 1791: stealing therefrom, among other articles, 200 yards of ribbon (valued at £3).
Among the Assizes papers is an indictment marked “Guilty. To be hanged” for Lucas for a burglary in the dwelling house of Samuel Crowther in the parish of Leeds on 21st June 1791: stealing therefrom a black tamany gown (valued at 2/-), a printed cotton gown (valued at 3/-),a white cloth apron (valued at 2/-), a black quilted petticoat (valued at 3/-), 2 pairs of breeches (valued at 4/-), 2 printed cotton frocks (valued at 3/-), a printed cotton petticoat (valued at 1/-), a pincushion (valued at 6d), a white cloth frock (valued at 2/-), a striped muslin cap (valued at 1/-), a pair of stays (valued at 6d), 10 children’s linen caps (valued at 10/-), 4 linen sleeves (valued at 1/-), a linen tip petticoat (valued at 6d) and a linen shirt (valued at 6d). there is no similarly marked indictment for Stearman.