British Executions

Henry Footmass

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: highway robbery

Date Of Execution: 10 Aug 1745

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Cambridgeshire

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Saturday, 10 August 1745 (Cambridge Journal - to be executed today Sat, 10 August). Henry Footmass and John Jerroms guilty of the highway robbery of William Wright, in the parish of Caxton on 12th February 1744: robbing him of 31 gold guineas, 3 Portuguese gold coins (each with a value of 36/-) and 3 gold Moidores (each with a value of 27/-). Report in Kentish Post ex Cambridge 31 July “Footmass and Jerroms brought from Aylesbury to be tried. They were indicted with attacking Mr William Wright, dealer in horses of Bethnal Green, near the Gibbet on Caxton Head on 12th February 174¾ and robbing him, as he was going to Oundle. (It is possible therefore that a body was hanged there recently i.e. there might have been an hanging and hanging in chains between July 1738 and March 1741 from one of the missing Assizes.