British Executions

Richard Parrott

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 1 Oct 1761

Crime Location:

Execution Place: unknown

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Richard Parrott was indicted for the wilful Murder of Anne his Wife Anne Parrott whose tongue he cut out on 20 September 1761. She later died on 7 October 1761.

William Haines, a Constable said that Richard Parrott was brought to him in a very bloody Condition with blood all down his shirt and his fingers. When searched they ſound a Clasp-kniſe on him. He said that she had told a great many lies of him, and he had took a Piece oſ her tongue off that she should tell no more. William Haines later went to see Anne Parrott at her house. She was on the bed, leaning over one Side and spitting Blood, but could not speak. Her mouth was swelled and battered in.

see Select trials for murder, robbery, burglary, rapes, sodomy, coining, forgery, pyracy and other offences and misdemeanours, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey : to which are added, genuine accounts of the lives, exploits, behaviour, confessions and dying-speeches of the most notorious convicts, from the year 1741 to the present year 1764 inclusive : which completes the trials from the year 1720.