Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: return from transportation
Date Of Execution: 2 May 1764
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Wednesday, 2 May 1764
John Thomas, alias Williams It was a capital offence for anyone sentenced to transportation to be found at large (i.e. not in custody) in the Kingdom before their sentence had expired. John Thomas had been sentenced to death with John Owen and John Price at the Autumn Session 1755 for a burglary on 30 May 1755 in the parish of Llanarmon in the dwelling house of Ann Thomas from which they stole a Welsh Bible (value 3/6); a gown (value 8/-); a blue riding gown (value 6/-); a handkerchief (value 15d); a saddle (value 4/6) a bridle (value 2/-) and another bridle (value 18d). All three were reprieved and the sentence commuted to transportation. John Thomas returned and was caught (WALES 4/274/2).
According to the heading to verses said to be of his own composition he was hanged at Caernarfon on 19 May 1764 (BCWB Volume V Number 16).
The C&DH reports "Sion, gwr Marsley (John, the husband of Margery), a tinker from Roe Wen, for escaping from transportation. This person was a rhymer, for he composed verses on his misfortune, which he sang on the gallows. He was executed by the same Symon (see Evan Thomas above) on 2nd May 1756."