Age: 31
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 21 Feb 1922
Execution Place: Glasgow, Duke Street
Method: hanging
Executioner: John Ellis
William Harkness and Helen Harkness were convicted of the murder of 14-year-old Elizabeth Benjamin and sentenced to death, although Helen Harkness had her sentence commuted.
They battered and asphyxiated her to death at their house, 67 George Street, Whiteinch, Glasgow on 31 October 1921.
Her body was found in a back court the following morning with her head battered and a handkerchief stuffed in her throat.
She had also been robbed of £2 in money.
Elizabeth Benjamin had carried on a credit drapery business and would call on customers on Mondays. When she had left home on 31 October 1921 she had a suit case containing goods and had a pound in small silver in her purse. However, she never returned.
see National Records of Scotland - AD15/22/1, HH16/7
see Edinburgh Evening News - Monday 06 February 1922
see Derby Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 31 January 1922