British Executions

Thomas Kennedy


Sex: male

Crime: Burglary

Date Of Execution: 18 Aug 1804

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Horsham Common

Method: hanging



Thomas Kennedy found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of William Martin in the parish of Icklesham on 2nd May 1804: stealing therefrom a watch (valued at £2), a key (valued at 1d), a pocket book (valued at 1d), 2 bags (valued at 1d), a box (valued at 6d), 3 gold 7/- pieces, 2 silver dollars (valued at 9/-), a foreign silver coin (valued at 6d), 17 silver shillings, 11 silver 6d’s, 3 £1 Bank Notes and 3 £1 Promissory Notes.