Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: high treason
Date Of Execution: 18 Jul 1716
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Executed at Tyburn, July 18,1716, for High Treason.
Among the sufferers in the rebellion were these three, who were apprehended in London, enlisting men for the pretender; and though the business in which they were engaged was of the most dangerous nature, yet they continued it for some time, but were at length apprehended, brought to trial, and being convicted, were executed at Tyburn on the 18th of May, 1716.
Robert Whitty was born in Ireland, and having enlisted for a soldier when young, served in an English regiment in Spain, where being wounded, he was brought to England, and received the bounty of Chelsea-college, as an out-pensioner.
Felix O'Hara, who was about 29 years of age, was likewise an Irishman, and having lived some time in Dublin as a waiter at a tavern, he saved some money, and entered into business for himself; but that not answering as he could have wished, he came to London.
Joseph Sullivan was a native of Munster in Ireland, and about the same age as O'Hara. He had for some time served in the Irish brigades, but obtaining his discharge, he came to England, and was thought a fit agent to engage in the business which cost him and his companions their lives.
These men denied, at the time of their trial, that they had been guilty of any crime; and even at the place of execution they attempted to defend their conduct. They all died professing the Roman Catholic religion.
We have already fully stated the law against treason, in the case of William Gregg, the first traitor, whose case came before us in the order we have placed these singular series of biography. Any comments upon the cause which stirred up this rebellion in Scotland is needless, it being well known that, like the contending parties of York and Lancaster, it was a struggle for the crown between the houses of Hanover and of the Stuarts. The latter becoming entirely extinct in the death of a Cardinal at Rome, the only remaining relative of the family, we are not likely on that score, to be again embroiled in civil wars.