British Executions

Patrick Docherty

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 5 Oct 1875

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Glasgow

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Twenty one year old Docherty was convicted of the murder of John Miller, a miner, by striking him over the head with a hoe, near Rutherglen Bridge. On 1st May, three men and a woman were dancing on the bridge. They had been drinking. They were later joined by Docherty and his sweetheart, and soon afterwards Miller climbed onto a wall and watched them. Miller and Docherty then exchanged words, after which the fatal blow was struck. Docherty was tried before Lord Neaves at the Glasgow Circuit New Court on 14th September. He pleaded not guilty. The prosecution claimed it was a deliberate act of murder while the defence argued the blow was struck merely on impulse. He was hanged by William Marwood after a petition for a reprieve was refused. Sentence was carried out on the 5th October 1875 in Glasgow.