Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 6 Sep 1875
Execution Place: Liverpool
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
On 10th July, Baker, the landlord of a Liverpool public house called The Railway Vaults, was drinking in another local pub with a group of friends. At closing time, they headed for one of the illegal drinking dens that littered the city's docklands. On reaching their destination, they were angry to find the owner of the 'club' refusing them admission. The time of their arrival had coincided with the departure of another group of men. one of whom. Charles Langan. had recently fallen out with Baker. Langan's party followed the others away from the club and as they reached the main road, Baker called Langan over and after an exchange of words, he pulled out a revolver and shot him dead. Baker was immediately detained, and when he stood trial a few weeks later his defence pleaded that he was guilty of manslaughter, caused by drink, but he was convicted and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out in Liverpool on the 6th September 1875.